Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

make money (Cara mendapatkan uang daridunia maya)

5 Techniques to Double Your Income With Paid Online Surveys

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

Making money with online surveys has become quite tough. Not because of the business model but mostly because of the competition. There are a lot of people out there trying to get their pound of bacon in the online surveys world. Those who actually make a good and consistent income from paid surveys are mostly the persistent ones.

Earning a quick $50 here and there with surveys is not hard. It's earning a consistent $500 a week that's quite hard. Your earnings with paid surveys can vary greatly over the course of a month.

The secret to making a full time income while working only part time is to set yourself up to win. You need to learn and then use the "secrets" of the super successful. They do things a little different and it's these small differences that earns them the big pay checks every month. Here are 5 very effective techniques that you can use to double your income with paid online surveys.

1. Join Multiple Programs
Joining one or two programs and hoping that they will earn you $100/day is just unrealistic. When you join with multiple programs you multiply the amount of surveys you get. The more surveys you do, the more money you make. Simple as that. One survey company is just not enough to feed you a steady stream of surveys.

2. Nominate Yourself For Maximum Surveys
When you register with a company they will ask you how many surveys you are willing (or capable) of doing a week. Most people think too "realistic" when they answer that question. Just put down the maximum they allow. You will never get that amount anyway, but by saying you want to do the maximum you will get a lot more.

3. Your Hobbies and Interests
When you register you will be asked about your hobbies and your interests. Most people skip over this - thinking it's not important. Big mistake. You need to pay a lot of attention on filling out this part. Come up with as many interests and hobbies you have - even if it's just hobbies you would like to have. As long as you know something about it, put it down.

4. Go After All Types Of Surveys
Although online surveys are what most people are focused on, many companies still conduct certain surveys in a different formats. Not all surveys are just online forms. There are a lot of phone surveys and interactive focus group surveys that pay very well. You can earn a lot more with these types of surveys and they are much more interesting. Make sure you opt into this when you fill out your application or update your profiles to check this option.

5. Be Proactive
Survey companies want people who are on the ball. They don't want to chase you or get mediocre surveys from anyone. You need to build your reputation with these surveys companies and if you proof yourself to be reliable and diligent they WILL remember you. This is how you get more surveys and better surveys. Always respond to invitations promptly, return surveys on time and don't just wait for things to come your way. It's not hard to stand out and when a company picks up on you, you can quickly start earning some good money from decent surveys.

For more tips on making money with online surveys visit Trusted or keep up to date with how to get paid doing surveys on our blog.

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The 7 Deadly SEO Linkbuilding Mistakes

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

SEO linkbuilding has become one of the main high leverage activities in any online business. The simple fact is that backlinks will give you a high page rank and a high page rank will rank you higher in the SERP's. Obviously this means more traffic and more money.

Backlinks make up 90% of your Google rank and because of this linkbuilding has taken on a life of it's own. Most people seem to misunderstand it complete. For starters you should know that not all back links are good links. They can actually hurt you more than help you.

SEO Linkbuilding is all about building links that are natural. Google did not design their ranking system to be manipulated. It was designed to reward good sites that get linked to naturally. That's why getting the right links can be incredibly difficult if you try and do it manually.

Unfortunately you have to build links these days otherwise you will not be competitive. If you sit around and wait for sites to link to you, you might wait forever. The good thing is that this also give the "small guy" a fair shake to get good rankings in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Most guys build back links "kamikaze style" - that is they go on there and just get as many links they can from wherever they can and at whatever cost. This is a recipe for disaster. Once your site gets marked by Google, you might as well start over again.

Rogue linkbuilding techniques can render months of hard work useless, so be very careful when building backlinks. Here are the 7 deadly SEO linkbuilding mistakes. Avoid them at all costs.

Mistake #1: Mass Link Packages

Obviously some sleazy and unscrupulous people are out there selling link packages that are not even worth a mention. Most of the time they blast ads out to classified directories or other spam filled network. These links are the equivalent of buying spam email lists. Don't do it. Your links might end up on banned sites that can really hurt your Google image.

Mistake #2: Link Exchanges

Back in the day, exchanging links was the main SEO linkbuilding strategy. You link to me, I link to you and we both win. Right? Wrong! Google caught on to this when hundreds of link farms opened up. Google can easily trace reciprocal links and they simply don't count for much anymore. Getting links from big link exchange networks can actually hurt you.

Mistake #3: Linking From Non-Indexed Sites

Most people who spend hours building those free backlinks make the mistake of building links on non-indexed sites. For your back links to count, the page on which you have your link has to be indexed. Having links on non-indexed pages means nothing. It's a waste of time.

Mistake #4: Not Using Anchor Text

At first this probably won't sound too scary, but if you build 2,000 links without relevant anchor text your site can easily pass for a spam site that just gets random links. By using anchor text that is related to your site, it gives your links linkjuice - meaning it makes your links relevant and increases the perceived value of each link.

Mistake #5: Not Being Relevant

Google is getting smarter by the day. After all it is their business to provide the most relevant information for each and every search that is conducted. If they don't people will stop using Google. That's why they protect it so vigorously. When you get back links from relevant and related sites that would naturally link to you, then the link count for a lot. Unrelated and random links from any old site really does not make Google see your site as being important.

Mistake #6: Inorganic links

As I mentioned earlier, Google designed the page rank system to work organically. They are looking for links to come to your site naturally. For the most part that means, slowly and consistently over time from a variety of related sites. If you go and get 1000 links overnight from the same site then Google's alarms will go off and you might land yourself in some backlinking trouble with the big G. Slow and steady wins the race - especially if you have a new site.

Mistake #7: Buying Links

High PR backlinks are worth gold. Quite literally. I've seen a single PR7 link sell for as much as $250 per year. There are a lot of link networks out there that make it their business to sell links on high PR sites. These links have become quite expensive, but the lure of instant results have people buying links like it's going out of fashion. Google is catching on and there's been widespread reports of Google slapping page rank. If links are publicly traded then Google can probably trace them and penalize you.

SEO linkbuilding is all about being as natural and as organic as possible. Always go after links that are 1-way, relevant and on sites with a high page rank. If you can get links on pages with a high page rank, even better. Don't fall for the quick-fix promise of so many link building services. In the long run, slow and steady links that look natural will keep sending more and more traffic your way.

Download The Linkbuilding Blueprint (free) for a simple step-by-step plan to build thousands of free backlinks from high PR, relevant sites. All it takes is 15 minutes of easy links -

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A Secret Method to Get Thousands of Free Backlinks

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

Building free backlinks can be a real pain in the neck. It can be incredibly time consuming and at times seem like your hard work is not paying off. If you consider the alternative of buying backlinks, then it will probably scare you back to building free back links. A single PR7 link can cost as much as $200 per year!

The 'standard' free backlink techniques like posting on forums and commenting on blogs still work quite well. The only problem is that a lot of forums and blogs now have a nofollow tag that renders all links useless for the purposes of link building at least.

Because free backlinks are mostly on low PR pages (even though they may be on high PR sites) you need a lot of them to really increase the Google Page Rank on your site. Building a thousand free back links can take a long time and if you are not diligent and consistent you can easily fall behind.

There's a lot of great new sites and tools coming out to help you feed this hungry monster. Not only can tools such as Linkvana and ArticleMarketer save you an enormous amount of time, it can build backlinks for you at a scale that's impossible to do manually. If you want to be competitive in today's marketing mad internet, then you are going to have to get smarter just to keep up with your competition.

Backlinking tools can get expensive. Paying a $149 per month fee is not cheap - and that's just for one tool.

That's one of the main reasons why I like to think outside the box with linkbuilding. One of the most powerful methods for building thousands of free backlinks is in getting your back links to build automatically.

How do you do that?

There are several methods but the most effective on is to sponsor a Wordpress Theme and in sponsoring it, you get to embed your URL in the footer. By making your Wordpress Theme available for download on theme directories, you can potentially get massive exposure.

Think about it. If just one site uses your theme and they have 10 pages indexed, then that's 10 backlinks to your site. 100% automatic and 100% 'free'. Some of the most popular Wordpress Themes get hundreds of thousands of downloads a week.

Making this linkbuilding method work well for you requires a bit of experience. You have to get a great design. This is what will make people actually use your theme and in the end send thousands of back links to your site.

Be sure to use anchor text in your link as this will add even more linkjuice each and every one of these links. This method will probably not give you instant results, but if you do it well it will pay off unlike any other link building method. These will be 100% legitimate links from 100% real sites. No link dodgy exchanges or tedious blog commenting.

For more of the best methods to build free backlinks, download The Linkbuilding Blueprint for free and start to build thousands of high PR backlinks to your site every day.

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The 3 Most Important Factors in Getting Backlinks

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

Building links to your website has become one of the most important factors in getting a high rank with Google and the other search engines. Back in 2001, a couple of keywords and meta tags was enough to get the search engines crawling all over your site. Today, it's a very different ball game and the SEO world has changes significantly - for the better I believe.

When Google introduced their Page Rank system, they had one thing in mind: Importance. Think about it. Google is in the business of connecting information to search terms. When you do a search you want the most relevant, the most informative and the most important results for your search. Simple as that.

To determine which sites are important, Google use back links as a way of checking which sites are the most important. Authority sites get lots of links from other relevant sites because they have valuable information; information that people in that niche or market are looking for.

This is how the whole back link theory was born. Like all things in the world of SEO is became a bit distorted simply because it can be manipulated. Today, waiting for natural backlinks is just not the way to play the game. To be competitive you have to actively build links - especially in niche markets. It's okay if you are because millions of sites will link to you anyway, but if you are then you probably won't get millions of incoming links.

Page one rankings in either Google or Yahoo can mean a lot of traffic to your site. Not only is this free traffic, but it's targeted and will give you much higher conversions that run of the mill advertising campaigns where you have to pay for your traffic.

So what are the most important factors in building links? There are 3 main factors in building links that you have to live by. Do this and you will get great ranks and lots of Google love. Ignore it and your site will be doomed to a dull live on page 107 where no one ever sees you.

1. Page Rank
Getting links from sites with a high Google Page Rank is the most important factor. The logic is that if an important site thinks that you are important enough to link to, then you must be important (yes it's a twisted logic, but that's Google for you).

2. Relevance
Getting random links from random websites is fast becoming worthless. Google's algorithm is getting smarter and one thing that it's getting smarter at is sniffing out relevance. Getting links from other authority sites in your market, niche or category is wort infinitely more than random links from generic websites.

3. Anchor Text
The common example of how important anchor text is, is with the search term "click here" which has Adobe Acrobat as number 1 in Google. Why is this? The words "click here" does not even appear on that page? Well, it's simply because millions of sites use the anchor text "click here" to link to the download page of Adobe Acrobat. So, when you are building links it's important to use your keywords and keyword phrases in the anchor text.

There's a lot of debate about how quality and quantity of links match up in the Google ranking wars. For the most part the evidence is that quality of links will always outweigh quantity. A good strategy for link building is to focus 60% of your time on quality and 40% on quantity. The important thing is to get links though cause in the end it's the only thing that will get you ranked and make you money.

Download The Link Building Blueprint (free) for a simple and proven step-by-step plan that is guaranteed to take any website from zero to PR3 in just 15 easy minutes a day.

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PR5 From Free Backlinks - Can You Still Do It?

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

Google's Page Rank algorithm is getting harder to crack by the day. It seems like every niche online is getting more competitive and grabbing those key page 1 rankings in Google is getting tougher and more competitive. Page 1 rankings in Google and even Yahoo and MSN basically boils down to backlinks.

It really is as simple (and as complicated) as that. A couple of years ago you could easily get your website to PR5 by just building free backlinks. In the last 2 years however the buying and selling of high PR links has taken over the world of SEO. Yes, you can buy your way to the top, but is it worth it and is it a sustainable solution?

As I said before, the only thing worse than not having a high Page Rank is losing your high Page Rank. This is common for lazy marketers who only rely on buying links. See, most of those (really expensive) high PR links are like a hungry monster and you will be charged a monthly or annual fee to keep the link. At $90 a link you can see how quickly it can add up to become a very expensive solution.

So, the real question is whether you can still get a new site up to PR5 by using only free links?

Some of my recent experiments confirms that it is still possible and that it is not nearly as hard as most marketers make it out to be. When I say building free links it does not mean that it's all manual links. This is where most marketers gets scared. When they hear the words building 'free backlinks' the first thing they think is 'hard work' so they avoid it and go looking for the next quick fix.

In my experiments with building high Page Rank mini-sites I simply did not have the budget to go and buy $1000 worth of links. Instead, I used as many tools as I can get my hands on to help me automate as much of the process as possible. I've now narrowed it down to 7 sources that gets me tons of high quality and relevant links. It takes me about 15 minutes a day per site and that's it.

It's important not to lose sight of what back links are really about. It's simply a way for Google to determine how 'important' your site is. When it comes to Page Rank there are 3 aspects that determines it's value:

1. Quality

The higher the PR of the page linking to you, the more valuable it is to your PR

2. Relevancy

The more relevant and 'on topic' the site linking to you is, the more valuable the links will be to your PR

3. Quantity

The more links you get, the more 'authoritative' Google will see your site. Be careful with quantity though as it can work against you.

If you combine these 3 factors you can have a very powerful formula for building free back links. If you can find sites with a high PR, in your niche and find a lot of them you can increase your Page Rank faster than anything else. And it will be free.

So, the short answer is 'yes' you can still get to PR5 by getting only free backlinks, but you will need to be consistent in your link building. The Linkbuilding Blueprint is just that. I use it every day to help me follow a no-brainer formula. In the end getting a high page rank boils down to the marketer who is the most consistent and persistent in building links every day.

You can download The Linkbuilding Blueprint for free. It's a simple step-by-step plan that only takes 15 minutes a day. Use it to get Page 1 Rankings and to boost your site to PR3 in just 7 weeks.

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3 Proven Steps to Improve Link Popularity on Your Site

By Deon Du Plessis Platinum Quality Author

Link popularity is the way that search engines can tell how "important" your site is. To improve link popularity you must know how Google "thinks". Good sites are being linked to by other sites. Google's common logic is that if other sites think that you are popular, then you must be popular.

For the most part, link popularity is reflected by your Page Rank although there are a lot of factors that contribute to how well you rank for a specific search term. Without a doubt, the most important thing you can do to rank higher and to get more traffic is to improve link popularity for your site.

The days of waiting and hoping that other sites will link to you are over. You have to actively build backlinks to your site. The more backlinks you get, the better they are and the more relevant they are, the higher your perceived "popularity" will be with Google - and the higher your rankings will be.

Let's quickly look at the 3 best ways to improve link popularity on your site:

1. Create something worth linking to
This is often overlooked, but if you create unique content that people in your niche will want to read and consume, you can build a flood of natural backlinks to your site. A good example is with a unique tool that you offer for free. When users come to your site because there's something they can't find anywhere else, other sites will start linking to you because you offer something unique and valuable.

2. Build backlinks from authority sites
Your link popularity is primarily affected by the quality of back links you get to your site. If a site in your niche with a high Page Rank links to you, then it's very valuable. You need to figure out how you can get the top sites in your niche to publish your content in order to get a backlink from them. This is so valuable that many of the top sites will buy these backlinks for ridiculous amounts of money. Be creative and figure out a way for them to want to link back to your site by offering them something.

3. Build a large selection of backlinks
While relevant links from authority sites are very valuable, the "natural" way in which sites will link to each other is in volume. You need to get as many back links from as many related sites as you can. By leaving blog comments with backlinks and by adding a link in your forum signatures you can build a very natural looking backlink profile that will help to improve link popularity immensely.

Remember that link popularity is all about perceived popularity. Search engine spiders rely on backlinks as a way of telling whether your site is popular or not. Focus your efforts on building backlinks because it still is the easiest way to increase your site's link popularity.

You can download The Linkbuilding Blueprint to help you build thousands of free backlinks to your site. Make sure you visit the site to learn more about linkbuilding and how 3 way links can put your linkbuilding on autopilot.

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Working from Home

Everyone who likes browsing on the Internet knows about making money online, working from home, paid review, and people who are so successful making money online that literally they need not do offline job any longer. This is also the dream of so many new beginners like myself on the Internet world. But just how tough it is. Most paid review and paid survey are not free and there are so many scams, about 80 percents of it are scams. And people from Indonesia like myself is difficult to participate on paid review. Any help? Generally everyone should agree by now that making money online as not as easy as it looks as it needs ingenuity, persistent, and the willingness to take the risk although prudential and cautious is always of prime importance when it involves you making decision. The best way is to join online forum as they are truthful and informative. And also do your own research on the Internet by yourself to know the credibility of the website or organization you would like to join to make online job. It needs time and courage just like any other things. And as you might be experiencing by yourself there is no short cut way to success. You have to build your own success right from the start. It is the art how you feel each of your mistakes as it will eventually take you to your success. Remember there is no instantaneous success. Anyone who would like to give me tips and suggestions send it to : Thanks.

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